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Did you just buy a new house and need to move out of your small apartment, but the house is still being built? This 80 square foot unit should hold all your items! It is ideal for storing an entire living room and two full bedrooms.
Our 8x10 Units are located at 780 Mc Garvey St, right behind 2901 W Kentucky Ave.
Did you just buy a new house and need to move out of your small apartment, but the house is still being built? This 80 square foot unit should hold all your items! It is ideal for storing an entire living room and two full bedrooms.
Our 8x10 Units are located at 780 Mc Garvey St, right behind 2901 W Kentucky Ave.
Outdoor Uncovered Parking
Outdoor Uncovered Parking
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Sorry, we have no available units. Try checking back later.